Afrofuturism and The McCoy Game

 The concept of traveling with niche coordinates only a select few can understand parallels “A Map to the Next World.” The idea of life after death and never truly dying; the person lives on as long as their memory is alive. There being a family secret parallels Na Viro. The impossible becoming possible; the concept of people thinking that someone's heritage is myth (p.40). The idea that you must take action rather than being a viewer. Jamal and Andre being foils of the importance of knowing vs money (capitalism); the spoken poem about sisterhood. The jetbacks being compared to swimming on air parallels Na Viro’s wave finding the ocean is similar to navigating space. Additionally, Jamal being more interested in space and him bringing -encouraging- Andre to explore space parallels Na Viro when the sisters guided each other through understanding and returning to parts of their dual heritage. Furthermore, saving family despite the differences and fear parallels Tia saving her sister despite being terrified of space. The Breathworms reminded me of the animals in the whirlpool in Na Viro.  Lastly, the key getting lost in the shelves–that the key is knowledge and the key being their hands; DNA and bodily knowledge.   


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