The McCoy Game Reflection

The Good in Secrets.

    Alston begins this narrative by establishing that the narrator's grandfather, Big Mac, was an, "...old dude [who] loved his secrets," and in a way preserved the past in upholding this value (Alston 38). This idea is manifested throughout the entirety of this passage with the interactions between the narrator, Jamal, and his cousin, Dre. To keep a secret is to withhold information from others, only letting those who you trust in on the details. Secrets can be precious, lethal in their power if their truth is exposed. They can be used as agents of manipulation to obtain power, be the tip-off of someone's downfall, or they can be used as a way to keep people united under the obligation of sworn confidentiality and a shared understanding of respect. In Alston's The McCoy Game, the latter idea comes to fruition. Big Mac's secrets about his assets ultimately brought Jamal and Dre back to each other, restoring their relationship through forcing them to draw upon their shared ancestry and heritage to conquer the challenges that they faced in their late grandfather's home. 

    This is best examined when Jamal and Dre encounter the breathworm, drawing upon the stories that Big Mac used to tell them in private to seize their opportunity for escape. Jamal remembered one of the stories about the breathworm that he was told about when he was younger and had visited his grandfather in the summertime. Long ago, Big Mac gave the answer to Jamal and Dre's present problem, saying that, " soothes the savage beast...[and] ain't no music more soothing than some classic Motown," (Alston 52). Not only was Big Mac letting his grandchildren in on secret anecdotes from his life experience in encountering extraterrestrial creatures, but he was also providing them with advice that would help them in the future. Even Dre, who had given up visiting his grandad in the summertime to pursue his passion for basketball, drew upon the secrets lodged deep within his memory to aid his escape. As a result of this, both Jamal and Dre began to sing lyrics from classic Motown songs in order to stun the creature and give themselves some time to book it out of the basement. In doing so, not only were they able to use their shared ancestry and heritage lodged within those secrets to defeat the creature and persevere, but their bond was also restored through the shared recognition of valuing those secrets. 

    While the idea of secrecy has a typically negative connotation, it can be used for good given the right circumstance. For Jamal and Dre in particular, they used their knowledge about their grandad's secrets to help get them out of harm's way and restore the path between each other. In this case, secrets were used to build and repair rather than to deconstruct. 


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