LaGuardia Reflection

 (preface: this was the piece that I felt the most lost on story-line wise so please forgive this post if it parts of it seem a little off!! I tried my best 😊)

Preserving the Future through the Contingencies and Constants

    Given that this is a graphic novel, I find it most appropriate to discuss the impact and significance of one scene/page that stuck with me. This segment takes place across two pages and appears on pages 120-21, just before Okorafor inserted her "Afterword" piece. This is the scene in which LetMe Live passes away and all of their Floral spores greet LetMe in their final moments. These illustrations are rich in emotion that evokes senses of pride, nurture, and fulfillment. LetMe had fought so vehemently throughout this graphic novel to keep his Floral lineage alive under the pretext that his fellow Florals were extinguished back in Nigeria. For example, when Future was giving birth to her and Citizen's child, LetMe risked his life to accompany her to the hospital so that he could provide her with a bud of his own that would help the birthing process. LetMe sought refuge in American soil, rooting himself there with only the goal of restoring his lineage. In the scene I wish to evaluate, readers see that LetMe's mission is complete, and he can let himself finally rest since his heritage will live on indefinitely. 

    These Floral leaflings are vibrant, full of life and energy, coming to visit their family like angels from the heavens, that being LetMe Live and the baby, Future Citizen. LetMe, on the other hand, is drawn to look extremely frail and wrinkled. As the elder, he is ready to pass down the duty of carrying on their species line. In the middle panel on page 121, one of the livelier Florals is seen connecting their forehead to LetMe's, which makes that sentiment more visible. It is as if there is a physical exchange of duty occurring between the two of them. This gesture also seems to be done out of kindness and appreciation for LetMe's continuous, selfless efforts to keep their lineage alive. A silent, intimate moment between the new generation and the old to show gratitude, understanding, and love. In a way, they are both thanking each other. LetMe has paved the way for their future and the new Florals can build their foundations here, so long as they continue the legacy of LetMe and their other fallen members of their species. 

    This is an undeniably bittersweet moment where their identity and heritage can live on, almost immortalized, but life itself must remain mortal. LetMe was selfless and these angel-like creatures have come to ease LetMe's worries, allowing him to slip away into death after being assured that his purpose was fulfilled. An exchange between the constant and the contingent, the timeless and the fleeting - an understanding of the importance of both of their existences coming together to balance their power. The everlasting needs the temporal to maintain its importance just as the temporal needs the everlasting to give itself purpose. 


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