LaGuardia Reflection

Naming is a key feature: Freedom, Letme Live, and  Citizen.  Nigeria is supposed to be accepting of alien life, coexisting, and acknowledging their advancements, but there are people protesting the progressive mindset, including Citizen.Its interesting that Freedom was worried about how her grandmother was going to react to Letme Live being illegally in America--the immigration lawyer, who has a building named the "New Hope Apartments"--it highlights how deep rooted the fear is when you are an immigrant. I noted that immigrants have two names, the original and the American version. It highlights that culture and language is unique. For example, if you speak Spanish and are asked to no longer do so--there is a part of your identity (a whole other world) that no one will get to meet. Therefore, people prefer dividing their identity, rather than erasing one or prioritizing one. I think its interesting that the author choose plant-based aliens because plants depend on nature and humanity to survive--connectivity; we are all connected.

Some statements that stood out to me were: 

"This country would keep us all out if it could"

"I am not a fan of alines, but if you don't move into the future, you get left behind."


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